Area of Practice
Pro Bono
Practice Area
Pro Bono
Giving Back
We have a pro bono program in collaboration with our pro bono partners to impact the communities where we work and the world as a whole.
We are supporters of educational, development and healthcare projects and strive to empower, engage and inspire.
We are always willing to get involved in new projects and would welcome, respond and evaluate any requests for assistance.
How can we help?
We help our clients build strong working relationships with regulators, policy makers and other stakeholders in compliance with international laws. Get in touch!
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Transporte Marítimo: Matriculación de Buques Extranjeros en Guinea Ecuatorial
El transporte marítimo es una actividad económica esencial para las empresas de logística y transporte internacional ya que permite trasladar mercancías del país en el que se obtienen a los lugares donde se requieren.
2021 Budget Law
The Government of Equatorial Guinea (“EG”) issued Decree No. 9/2020, dated December 22nd, which approves the general state budget for the financial year 2021 (the “2021 Budget Law”).
Regulation on Inspections by Telecom Regulatory Body
The Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications (the “Ministry”) has approved Ministerial Order No. 4/2020, dated December 3rd, which approves the Regulation on inspections…