Aug 16, 2019 | Client Alert, Legal News
Following the coming into force of the CEMAC Regulation 02/18/CEMAC/UMAC/CM in 21 December 2018 (hereinafter the “FX Regulation”), unlike with the former exchange control regulation of 2000, the Governor of the Bank of Central African States (“BEAC”) issued…
Jul 26, 2019 | Client Alert, Legal News
As contemplated by article 191 of the CEMAC Regulation 02/18/CEMAC/UMAC/CM dated 21 December 2018 (hereinafter the “FX Regulation”), on the 10th of June 2019, eleven (11) instructions
Apr 23, 2019 | Client Alert, Legal News
The Bank of Central African States (“BEAC”) submitted for adoption a new set of foreign exchange regulations to the Ministerial Committee of the Union Monétaire de L’Afrique Centrale (UMAC), which is the entity responsible for the harmonization of monetary policy in the CEMAC.
Nov 4, 2018 | Client Alert, Legal News
This client alert summarises the issue of three new Ministerial Orders by the Equatorial Guinea’s Ministry of Labour. One of them deals with work permits.
Apr 30, 2018 | Client Alert, Legal News
This client alert summarises Equatorial Guinea’s new foreign investment rules and provides guidance to foreign investors and businesses on what action to take in light of the new rules.